What to Do When Everything Sucks

What to Do When Everything Sucks

I am sure you know this feeling! Everything sucks, you are not getting better or are even getting worse. In my case, I was hit by asthma when the snowfall began just a week ago here in Germany.

Snow in my garden
Snow in my garden

Consequently, this triggered a resurgence of my ME/CFS condition. I wanted to do so many things, and now was forced to stay on the sofa and get bored by Netflix. But I was able to get out of that funk and want to help you as well. 

Ideas for When Everything Sucks

When you’re feeling down, doing simple activities can help improve your mood instead of wasting energy on negative thoughts and self-pity. I understand the temptation that comes with these two things, but regardless of your chronic illness, negativity will not aid you in coping with it. 

Here are ten ideas for you. Of course, only do them if you have the capacity and the energy for it. Don’t think, just because you have this list, you must do them all. You don’t need to do any of them. But maybe they give you ideas! 

Enjoy a Cup of Tea or Coffee

Take a moment to enjoy a warm cup of your favorite tea or coffee. The soothing ritual and comforting flavors can provide a moment of relaxation.

Take a Short Walk

Step outside for a brief walk around your neighborhood or a nearby park, or even just on your balcony. Fresh air and a change of scenery can do wonders for your mood.

Listen to Uplifting Music

Create a playlist of your favorite upbeat songs and let the music lift your spirits. Sing along or simply let the tunes create a positive atmosphere. Here you can listen to my rather eclectic (or chaotic) list on Spotify!

Listen to uplifting music

Watch a Funny Video or TV Show

Find a short, funny video or watch a lighthearted TV show episode. Laughter has a powerful effect on mood and can instantly brighten your day. This is one of the short films by Pixar that always makes me laugh so hard!

Create a Mini Self-Care Routine

Devote a few minutes to a simple self-care routine. This could include applying a face mask, moisturizing your skin, or practicing deep breathing. For me, lightening a candle and having a long hot bath always lifts my mood.

Read a Feel-Good Book or Article

Pick up a book or find a heartwarming article online. Escaping into a positive narrative can provide a mental break and shift your focus.

Write Down Three Good Things

Take a moment to jot down three things you’re grateful for or that brought joy to your day. Focusing on the positive can improve your overall outlook.

Do a Quick Stretching Exercise

Stretch your body for a few minutes, no matter if you are in bed or can stand up. Simple stretches can alleviate tension and increase your energy levels.

Stretching to feel good again

Doodle or Color

Grab a notebook, some colorful pens and doodle or color for a few minutes. Engaging in a creative activity can be a relaxing and enjoyable way to express yourself.

Send a Positive Message

Reach out to a friend or family member with a positive message. Sharing a compliment or expressing gratitude can create a connection and bring joy to both parties.

Remember, these small activities are about finding joy in the little moments. Feel free to customize them based on your preferences and interests.

Book Recommendation
The Big Book of Mazes for Adults:

When negativity creeps in, why not immerse yourself in “The Big Book of Mazes for Adults” for a positive escape? The mazes vary in size, from 10×10 grids to 80×80 labyrinths. Each puzzle is printed on one page and offers a captivating experience. As you navigate the twists and turns, the solutions at the end bring not only a sense of accomplishment but also a refreshed perspective, making it an ideal tool to rediscover the joy of problem-solving and navigate towards a brighter state of mind. Happy solving!

Available on Amazon (Affiliate Link!)

Journaling prompts

I love journaling, because it helped me so often to get out of my head! So here are some journaling prompts for times when everything sucks:

  • Describe Your Current Emotions: Are you feeling frustrated, defeated, or hopeful? Allow yourself to express the full spectrum.
  • Highlight Small Victories: Reflect on any small achievements or positive moments in your health journey. These could be minor improvements, successful coping strategies, or moments of resilience.
  • List Gratitude for Your Body: Despite the challenges, acknowledge aspects of your body that you’re grateful for. This can foster a positive connection with your physical self.
  • Express Fears and Hopes: Write down any fears or anxieties about your health, but also explore your hopes and aspirations. What positive changes or improvements do you envision?
  • Create a Vision Board in Words: Use words and phrases to create a vision board within your journal. Describe the life you aspire to live, incorporating aspects beyond health, such as relationships, hobbies, and personal growth.
  • Document Daily Routines: Outline your daily routines related to health management. Recognizing the structure you’ve established can be empowering and may reveal areas for adjustment.

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