What I Learned from Having Several Chronic Illnesses

What I Learned from Having Several Chronic Illnesses

It is easy to see only the problems, downsides and negative effects of having chronic illnesses. In my example it is not being able to eat the food I want to eat due to celiac disease or live the life I would like to live due to ME/CFS. But I hate dwelling on the negatives, but rather try to see the good in everything that happens to me. So here are the things I learned from living with my chronic illnesses. 

Resilience and Adaptability

Celiac disease and especially ME/CFS forced me to navigate into a new reality, one filled with limitations and uncertainties. In this process, I developed a high level of resilience. I learned to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of my health, finding creative ways to manage my conditions. This adaptability even spilled over into other aspects of my life, making me more resourceful and open to change.

Prioritizing Self-Care

This is one I probably struggled the most with. Living with a chronic illness underscores the importance of self-care. I needed to become attuned to my body’s signals and learn to honor its needs. Self-care does not only mean bubble baths and spa days – although I love both of them! It also involves making choices that genuinely nourish your well-being, from setting boundaries to seeking solitude when required. Both of it can be a challenge when you have a thirteen-year-old, autistic teenager in your house! 

A view from a window with a codsy blanket, a tea mug, an open book and glasses
Reading is self-care for me!

Empathy and Compassion

Facing my own struggles, I became more empathetic towards the challenges of others. It is really eye-opening to the hidden battles that other people fight daily. This newfound empathy deepened my connections and encouraged me to be more compassionate and understanding.

Mindfulness and Gratitude

Both have always played a huge part in my life ever since my twenties. They have proved to be invaluable companions throughout my numerous diagnoses. Living with a chronic illness often demands living in the present moment. As I try to go through my day with fluctuating health and energy, I relearned the value of mindfulness: appreciating the small joys and victories. I learned to be grateful for the little things that bring me joy and relief, and to find beauty in the everyday moments.


Celebrating Small Wins

Talking about small things I also learned, that even the smallest achievements can become monumental victories. Whether I managed a day with fewer symptoms or completing a simple task, I learned to celebrate these wins and found joy in the progress I make.

Learn Patience with Myself

On the one hand I am a very patient human being. I can paint mandalas and draw doodles for hours or solve puzzles over a period of days and even weeks. But when it is about myself I can be really impatient. I had to learn the hard way to endure setbacks, navigate through challenges, and that healing is rarely linear. This patience has now extended beyond my health. I like to think it helps me to approach all aspects of life with a calmer, more composed demeanor. Not always, but I am working on it!

Having patience

Strength in Vulnerability

Being open about my illness requires vulnerability, a trait that society sometimes views as weakness. But I don’t feel weak writing about it at all! Through my journey, I learned that vulnerability is an immense strength. I want to share my experiences to help myself cope, and also to connect with you and show you how to stay positive.

Reevaluating Priorities

Especially ME/CFS made me reevaluate my priorities. I am someone with my projects on the go and even more ideas – but not the energy to do them all! So I had to start discerning what truly matters to me and find the courage to let go of things that no longer serve your well-being. That was and still is a hard lesson for me!

Yes, living with a chronic illness isn’t a path I choose to follow. But it is a journey that I see now as a chance to grow. For me, it’s about finding beauty in the midst of adversity, strength in vulnerability, and purpose in the face of uncertainty. The lessons we learn from a chronic illness can change our perspectives and help us live more fulfilling lives. It certainly does for me!

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