Food Allergies and Intolerances: 8 tips

Food Allergies and Intolerances: 8 tips to be prepared

Living with a food allergy, a food intolerance or a food-related autoimmune disease like celiac disease can make life painful. We always have to ask if the food is safe – and the feeling of being insecure still lingers deep within us even though we were told the food was safe to eat. Of course, it is only in rare cases that someone is actually dying from a food allergy, but it happens. And even if we don’t die from it, the consequences of eating the wrong food can be more than unpleasant. I remember the last time I got glutened: I felt sick for 4 weeks in a row, including troubles with sleeping and severe mood swings. Nope, no fun at all.

The best way to cope with food intolerances and allergies is to be prepared.

Here are 8 tips on how you can prepare yourself!

  1. Ask your doctor about carrying an epinephrine auto-injector if you have a severe food allergy or are at high risk. This could save your life!
  2. When dining out, ask the waiter if the food you’re about to order contains the ingredients that might cause an allergic reaction.
  3. Keep a list of the foods you’re allergic to with you in your wallet or purse as a reminder when dining out.
  4. Check food labels and labels on drinks and condiments while grocery shopping to be sure it’s safe before eating.
  5. Have all your medical emergency information with you in one place along with your identification. This could be in your wallet as well as on your phone with specialized apps. This way, in case of emergency doctors will know how to diagnose and treat you when they arrive.
  6. If you are histamine intolerant, then you should always have anti-histamine tablets in your purse or bag.
  7. If you are lactose intolerant, always have lactase pills with you – but they only help if you take them before the meal.
  8. If you react with diarrhea, you should always carry anti-diarrheal agents with you, so you are not stuck on a restaurant toilet.

Even if you will never need any of the above – it will give you a peace of mind, because you know that in a case of emergency you are prepared.

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