Communicating with your doctor

10 Tips for Effective Communication with Your Doctor About Your Chronic Illness

How often have you been to a doctor, only to leave the practice frustrated? I think we all got stories to tell from horrible visits to a doctor. Luckily I have found some really good ones over the years and worked on my communication with them. You can find my 10 tips for effective communication below!

At the moment I am preparing to see my doctor about a possible MCAS diagnosis. MCAS stands for “Mast Cell Activation Syndrome”. Overactive mast cells in the body release too many chemicals and cause allergic reactions. This leads to various symptoms and reactions similar to allergies. I had severe allergic symptoms in the summer, when I thought I was allergic to house dust mites. But I did two allergy tests and both came back negative! I am collecting information about MCAS and the allergy tests I have done over the years, so I can discuss this with my doctor.

Walking in the morning

I also started walking in the morning this week. My goal is to start with 15 minutes a day just in the park next to my kid’s school. It was so lovely the first three days and I felt great afterward and not at all exhausted. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I can keep doing it without a flare up of the ME/CFS!

Communicating with your Doctor

When you have a chronic illness, life can be hard. Good communication with your healthcare provider is important for taking care of your condition. Your doctor should be your teammate in this journey. It’s important to talk to them about your worries, symptoms, and treatment choices to get the best care. I know from my own sometimes hurtful experience how difficult it is to find a good doctor that you can trust. Communication is key in these situations. So here are 10 tips on how to prepare for a visit to your doctor.

Prepare Ahead of Time

Before your appointment, take some time to gather your thoughts and information. Write down your symptoms, questions, and concerns. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you cover everything during your visit. You can also keep a journal to track your symptoms and their patterns. I always take my symptom tracker notebook with me!

symptom tracker notebook

Be Honest and Open

Honesty is key when discussing your chronic illness. Your doctor needs accurate information to provide the best care. Share all relevant details, even if they seem embarrassing or unrelated. This can help your doctor make more informed decisions about your treatment.

Ask Questions

Don’t hesitate to ask questions during your appointment. If you don’t understand something, ask for clarification. You can also inquire about treatment options, potential side effects, and the expected outcomes. Being well-informed is an essential part of managing your condition.

Prioritize Your Concerns

Discuss the most pressing concerns first. If you have multiple issues, prioritize them so that you can address the most urgent ones during your appointment. This ensures that you don’t leave without discussing critical matters.

Bring a Support Person

If you feel overwhelmed during your appointments, consider bringing a trusted friend or family member with you. They can provide emotional support, take notes, and ask questions you might forget. My hubby and I do this all the time!

Share Your Goals

Be clear about your goals and expectations for treatment. Let your doctor know what you want to achieve: managing pain, improving quality of life, or following a specific diet. This will help them create a treatment plan that meets your needs.

Describe Your Symptoms in Detail

When discussing your symptoms, provide as much detail as possible. Mention when they started, their frequency, intensity, and any factors that seem to exacerbate or alleviate them. This information can help your doctor make an accurate diagnosis. You could also copy your symptom tracker for reference.

Review Your Medications

Keep an up-to-date list of all the medications you are taking, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements. Discuss any side effects or concerns related to your current medications with your doctor.

Review Your Medications

Be Patient

Most of the time, diagnosing and managing chronic illnesses can be a lengthy process. Be patient and persistent in your communication with your healthcare provider. If you are not satisfied with how your concerns are being handled or if your doctor does not take you seriously, it is important to seek a second opinion. We have all been there!

Follow Up

After your appointment, follow through with your doctor’s recommendations, take prescribed medications as directed, and maintain your treatment plan. Schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments.


It is important to communicate effectively with your doctor about your chronic illness. This will help you manage your condition and improve your quality of life. Follow these ten tips to build a strong collaboration with your healthcare provider and ensure you receive the best care possible. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and your healthcare team is there to support you every step of the way.

My Habit/Symptom Tracker

This is the habit tracker I used for tracking my symptoms. As I love my Traveler’s Notebook I created this one in a size that fit’s into it. But of course it also looks good on its own! This book has 12 habit trackers for 31 days for a whole year on the left side of the pages. The right page is empty for notes, etc. (Affiliate link)

This is the habit tracker I used for tracking my symptoms.

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